Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My First Baby Lesson !!!


'Now wat?' was the question in my mind. Everything was in place...except for my self. The first three S's-sadhana,satsang and seva- had totally disappeared from my life to vanish the 4th one- smile :-(

One fine morning Guruji suddenly showed up on screen sanskar and my world was not the same any more. The change happened in a matter of secs when he said...
' Being totally with a baby...100% involved in all their activities... playing and having fun is meditation in itself '

Hey...wake up dumbo...that was exactly what I was doing... all I had to do was love doing it and be 100 %. I guess that was a mild version of 'realisation'

Little Vaish(Vaishnavi) suddenly became my Art of Living Part 1 teacher :-) giving me practical lessons on all the course points...

For those who are struggling to get through the first few years of child-minding, I learned that this is the best time to bond with them. Soon they will start hopping away and very soon fly off on their own...its now or never for us, so lets not miss it.

Moments when we do stupid things to simply roll in laughter... when I start crying to make her stop crying....when she insist on joining me in the bath b cos i did so with her...when odd sounds have meanings and make sense to me... pandemonium is music...mess is fun. I realise that my baby is the best company I could ask for... always in the present complaints, no long faces, no expectations, easy to please, freedom to be stupid and even shares her chocolates with me.

When the 4th 'S' started appearing... the first three S's were automatically put in place. My first baby lesson was that things are as they are. What I make out of it is totally upto me. I am responsible.. I alone am responsible.

Sure she has more trying lessons in store for the years to come...

Lovingly your's


  1. How true! :)

    If you'd realized the happiness of being with babies a while back, you could've spared the long faces! :P

    And as I can see, you've started coming back to the 4 S's, now that Vaish is big. :D

    She's one cute li'l girl! You are so sooo lucky! :D


  2. so beautifuly written.i liked it!!good work and do share the future lessons too...!lol

  3. Very humor filled & thought provoking post...:)
