Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wisdom rules and the wise win !!!

Maharshi Patanjali was truly compassionate to gift us with his Yogasutras. 'Patanjali Yogasutra' is timeless and all-encompassing. Every time I listen to it its so fresh and new.

Thats the beauty of Purana ( the word meaning is ' the latest in town' , forever new)

Just finished a yogasutra session today and since the first day , I've been finding it difficult to think of anything else to write other than wat was said in that. Everything else seemed to be very silly.

At some point in history we got this wrong idea of listening to scriptures and wisdom towards the fag end of our term in this world [as a part of our training to take on the other world ;-)]. SO very UNFORTUNATE. Most often we end up making a mess of our lives and then when there is nothing better to do; no options left; we turn to the scriptures. This definitely is not a sign of intelligence...

This knowledge is all about how to manage ourselves and our lives; to be succesful and happy. Practical tips, applicable in our day to day life which assures a dramatic change in the quality of our lives ! Then why let our narrow and limited concepts and ideologies to take us through the proven short-cut to failure and misery ? Why not allow wisdom to take over and rule?
( Btwn, lets not mistake wisdom for information - the two are worlds apart)

Its only wisdom that can guide one out of misery and show us the way to true success.

Everyone ought to listen to the tapes or read it at least once...this knowledge is applicable in all times, for all people. It would be a crime to miss it...

Listening to Patanjali Yoga sutra is a fascinating journey from ?s to !s (questions to wonders). Its a must-have experience in each one's life.

Do check it out... Absolutely gratifying !!!

Lovingly Your's


  1. Yoga is absolutely gratifying. I haven't had any experiences with Padanjali yet, must listen. And I'm sure that It'd be very very invigorating too! :D

  2. ya patanjali yoga sutra days wer awsom.... cant wait 4 naradha muni`s yoga sutra.....

  3. i agree!!! Pathanjali yoga sutra simply RoCks. The knowledge is so complete and so full..!
